
यह एक चीज़ आपको एक बेहतर स्टॉक मार्केट निवेशक बनाने में मदद कर सकती है

Here is what we learned last Sunday with a class of students only for the purpose of education. The idea of posting it here is only to share the knowledge and help others know more so that they can make better decision. Do write in your comments and thoughts Thanks

Knowledge Compounding: Wow! I found my next multi-bagger stock.

R eading about a company, I was thrilled to discover its immense potential for growth. The business boasted a strategic position, a vast pool of opportunity, a reputable promoter, significant capital injection, and a doubling of production capacity – all the makings of a winner. Wow! I found my next multi-bagger.                                               But hold on! Examining the share price and valuation quickly deflated my enthusiasm. Isn't this a common occurrence these days? There's an overemphasis on the "top-down" approach, with little regard for the actual price.   This relentless pursuit of the next big idea, sector, or company has eroded the valuable investing principles we learned from Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett.   It's a growth frenzy, but where's the margin of safety? Everything is validated in the name of growth and the current political and economic climate, as if there's no possibility of things going wrong.   Howev

ये वीडियो, शेयर्स मे ट्रेडिंग करे या न करे, आपका नजरिया बदलदेगा. SHOULD YOU TRADE in STOCKS or NOT?

  Here is what we learned this Sunday morning discussing the most intrigue and curious question: SHOULD YOU TRADE OR NOT? with a class of students only for the purpose of education. The idea of posting it here is only to share the knowledge and help others know more so that they can make better decision. Thanks     Do write in your comments and thoughts.   Thanks,  

Knowledge Compounding: Why it is better to be foolish at the start than at the finish

  W e are probably at the fourth stage of the market where being in the quality stocks is curse, they are no longer producing returns because they are fully discovered. Investors are now bidding for low quality, unloved, undiscovered stocks. This marks the phase of the market where investors begin to compromise on quality and the fundamental principles of investing in favor of chasing the next big stock.     They start disregarding quality in pursuit of higher returns. This herd mentality leads to a strong bullish phase in low-quality stocks. Novice investors, or so-called alpha-riders, become the new authorities in the market.   This reminds me about the wisdom that Vijay Kedia shared with us few years back, “In good times everything looks rosy particularly for the first-time investors who have not seen the market cycles and hence beat the drums. Bull markets produce many self-claimed genius or stock pickers but in reality, the real stock market genius are bornin the bear

Wisdom Tree: Do not lose money

In investing not losing money is key and it has been emphasized by Graham in the form of margin of safety and later on by Warren Buffett, who once said that the successful investing is, "Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number one."     You can still generate higher returns without taking lot of risk, the key is…   Adhering to quality Establishing the right processes and checklists for identifying exceptional companies, Employing the margin of safety strategy Selecting investments with the potential for compounding And addressing behavioral biases.

The art of finding bargains: A strategy that global contrarian investment firm Brookfield follow

Contrarians face two major dilemmas. One, there could be a lack of opportunity for a very long period of time. Second, the investment may take a long time to realise gains. The Canadian investment firm Brookfield Asset Management, known for its unique contrarian philosophy, seems to have perfected the art. Twitter@Jitendra1929 Read further... the-art-of-finding-bargains-a-strategy-that-global- contrarian -investment-firm-brookfield-follows-3816081.html

Investment Pick: A quality play in the construction space trading at att...
